Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Pulling rabbits out of hat

Everyday is a small step forward for my non-reading student Jesse. I am using Language Experience Approach where I use guided reading of a high-content, low level book. Once I noticed that Jesse has memorized the book, I had him copy ALL the words in the book (it's really short) on the index cards and now I am using the words in the book as flashcards. He is used to memorizing the words as whole and is struggling with blending the sounds together.

Yesterday, I went to talk to the person who for 100K is supposed to make sure that the students like Jesse do not fall through the cracks. She was pretty dismissive, "Yes I know about Jesse." I tried very hard not to get mad, because I do not want to give her even a drop of power. I am kind of glad that CA is in the financial crunch, because this person is losing her job, which she is inept in doing anyway.

1 comment:

  1. 100 K and such a dismissive answer? Completely unethically, and more important inhuman. When a person does not care about students, then no amount will make up for their lack of interest.
